Kudos to Adobe http://bit.ly/b4cqLg Now, what are those “additional Adobe publishing technologies” that turn InDesign to iPad app?
Seriously Adobe, spill. This is the sort of innovation we’re hanging out for: publish rich media versions of InDesign documents?
Created with Adobe InDesign CS5 and additional Adobe publishing technologies, the WIRED Reader is the first in a series of steps for Adobe to enable magazine publishers and retail catalogers to deliver groundbreaking experiences across tablets, smartphones and other devices. By reaching readers in new ways on these emerging devices, publishers can increase circulation (because these new apps count towards audited ABC circulation) and deliver incremental digital revenue.
This is in the App store, approved by Apple, so it isn’t likely to be Flash based – compiled or not – and apparently passes muster as a native app. If that’s the case, then I see a bright publishing future for Adobe creative tools for content on the iPad.
Pretty flash, without Flash. (Possible reference only understandable by Brits and Aussies and the odd New Zealander.)
One reply on “Kudos to Adobe”
Amazing what they can do when they put their minds to it eh?
Oh and I get the “pretty flash” reference. But I’m the normal New Zealander. Not the odd one…
BTW, enjoyed your recent NewMedia Webinar!