Item of Interest

Hulu’s Views Are Up, But Its Audience Isn’t!

Hulu’s views are way up, but the number of viewers has remained relatively static.

Hulu’s Views Are Up, But Its Audience Isn’t

It’s a very interesting graphic/statistic. Apparently the same viewers are going back to Hulu more often, but it’s not growing the total numbers of viewer anywhere near as quickly.

It’s hard to interpret other than that some people have really gotten into the Hulu Habit, watching a lot of their TV viewing there, while it’s not catching on beyond that core group. This could simply be “early adopters” and it won’t be until it moves more into the mainstream that the unique viewers will go up. Viewer numbers have actually dropped a little since last year.

Hopefully they will, or Hulu’s problem in brining in sufficient revenue from the service for its Corporate Masters will be exacerbated. Advertising more to the same people isn’t going to fund growth at Hulu.

Hulu had 43.5 million unique visitors in May, which is just barely above the 40 million unique visitors it had a year ago. It’s down from Hulu’s peak which was 44 million last December.