Distribution Item of Interest

4K video comes to YouTube

Do we really need 4K from YouTube? Probably not, but if we can, why not?

4K video comes to YouTube

From the Google blog:

Today at the VidCon 2010 conference, we announced support for videos shot in 4K (a reference resolution of 4096 x 3072), meaning that now we support original video resolution from 360p all the way up to 4096p. To give some perspective on the size of 4K, the ideal screen size for a 4K video is 25 feet; IMAX movies are projected through two 2k resolution projectors.

Now there’s somewhere to distribute all those RED-shot movies 🙂

Needless to say, watching 4K from YouTube is going to require a darned fast Internet connection.

Oh, and here’s the backstory from the guy who made the showcase 4K movie for YouTube’s launch today.