After 6 years and 724 posts gets an updated theme, thanks to Greg Clarke.
More information on the home page and you can slide out the information on the right for a cleaner reading experience.
Thanks to Greg Clarke and
After 6 years and 724 posts gets an updated theme, thanks to Greg Clarke.
More information on the home page and you can slide out the information on the right for a cleaner reading experience.
3 replies on “After 6 years and 724 posts a whole new theme”
Yea, but you need bigger “teases” than a sentence.
Cleaner. yes.
The type is a little small though. And for long bodies of text, the eye likes serifed fonts, not sans serif.
I hope it works for you.
I see you’re on WordPress. Me too.
Obviously our design aesthetic differs. BTW, the thought that long bodies of text on a screen prefer serif – unless you have a retina display – has been disproven. Serif on most monitors are more tiring on the eyes than san serif.
It works for me.
Ok, we made some changes after getting more feedback. Greg found another WordPress feature.