HTML5 Item of Interest

Flash (Finally) Cuts CPU Usage with hardware acceleration.

Catch is, sites have to update video players to use it!

Flash (Finally) Cuts CPU Usage With Hardware Acceleration

At (long) last Adobe have released CPU acceleration across all platforms, including Mac and Linux.

Now, if this were Silverlight, QuickTime or any other media architecture that would be it, but no:

Even if users install the latest version of the plugin, they might not start seeing the benefits from downloading the new Flash Player right away. In order for it to work, publishers need to update their video players to make them compatible with Stage Video hardware acceleration. Some publishers have already done so, including YouTube, Vimeo and Epix, and publishers using Brightcove’s white-label platform for distribution of their video assets will also be able to use Stage Video for hardware acceleration. That said, it could be a while before most other publishers make the adjustments necessary to take advantage of the new technology.

Oh Adobe, could you make me dislike Flash any more? Highly unlikely.