Item of Interest New Media The Business of Production

20th Century Fox joins rush to produce made-for-the-web shows

Just part of a much bigger trend.

20th Century Fox joins rush to produce made-for-the-Web shows We’ll see more of this.

20th Century Fox’s small Fox Digital Entertainment produces this web-only series, but we see all sorts of money being invested in programming destined to stay outside the traditional distribution channels.

The series brings feature film production values to the Internet, a medium that a few years ago was dominated by grainy user-generated videos of skateboarding dogs and kids singing karaoke.

The series’ release underscores two of the biggest trends in media: a rush by established companies, including Sony Pictures, Netflix, Hulu and now Fox, to produce high-quality video for the Internet, and major advertisers’ demand for Hollywood-produced Internet content to promote products to young consumers who are more likely to be tethered to their laptops, tablets and smartphones than the television set.