Distribution Item of Interest

Amazon takes the lead in TV Streaming?

With 17,000 titles that’s more than Netflix for streaming

Amazon takes the lead in TV Streaming?

Interesting statistic that Amazon Prime now has over 17,000 shows (movies and TV) with the addition of more titles from Discovery’s networks.

Amazon also notes that there are now over 17,000 titles now available for streaming, and more than 120,000 available for rent or purchase through Amazon Instant Video. Last month, when Amazonsigned a similar deal with Viacom, the number of streaming titles was brought up to 15,000, so this is a notable boost in content. For what it’s worth, in December, the count was 13,000. If Amazon keeps up this pace, Amazon Instant will look a lot different by the end of 2012.

I think it’s time to sign up for Amazon Prime (finally).