I’ve (along with many other people) have been beta testing SpeedScriber, an unreleased app that combines the power of an API for speech to text with a well thought out interface for correcting the machine transcription. Feed the SpeedScriber output to Lumberyard (part of Lumberjack System) and extract Magic Keywords and in a very short period of time (dependent largely on FCP X’s import speed for the XML) and you have an organized, keyworded Event with a fully searchable Transcript in the Notes field.
The results are very encouraging with only about a 3% error rate: mostly correcting punctuation and speaker allocation. The error rate on the words is about 1% for a standard American accent. The area where I’d like to see improvement is in speaker identification. Two speakers in an interview are typically identified as 12-19 ‘speakers’. Fortunately it’s incredibly easy to correct in SpeedScriber.
That transcript is saved out as text, with time stamps every sentence, where a sentence is a very loose concept, but fine for our purposes. That transcript matches the Multicam Clip name in FCP X (or Synchronized Clip, or regular clip) and Lumberyard pairs them up, and extracts Magic Keywords.
Here’s the raw result in FCP X:

And here’s the result (literally) five seconds later after I tidied up the results:

I would say that those keywords are accurate for this interview.
7 replies on “SpeedScriber, Lumberjack, Magic Keywords and Final Cut Pro X: magic combination”
Hi Philip,
I’m testing as well and encouraged because I need this for a show I’m working on next week. However, in my tests the speakers names don’t come through to LumberYard. I’m exporting as text. Thanks!
Speaker names need to be in all caps: PHILIP not Philip. It’s the way that Lumberyard detects that it’s a speaker, and it’s the traditional way speakers or characters are identified in scripts or transcripts.
Just as an aside & out of curiousity, are you attending the Apple Keynote October 27th?
It’s an invite only event, and I didn’t get invited. However Peter Wiggins of FCP.co did get invited and will not doubt be covering anything FCP X related at fcp.co. We’ll be driving to Cupertino that day for the FCP X Creative Summit.
Thanks & enjoy!
Would this “SpeedScriber” work in helping to make SCC files for closed captioning?
.srt files were just added as an output.