As you probably all know, I have two day jobs heading Intelligent Assistance Software and Lumberjack System. We’re very proud of the work we’ve done through both companies. We make a decent income from them for sure, but what makes us particularly happy when our tools get people’s work done faster. They get to go home to their families earlier and production has less drudgery.
So it pleases us greatly when that gets recognized, as it did this trip.
The highlight of our recent Europe trip – Amsterdam for IBC, Geneva for a Metadata Presentation, and Copenhagen to visit with customers -was at the Final Cut Pro X Tour Event organized by Ronny Courtens and Luma Forge during the STV (Denmark) presentation on how they used FCP X for the production of a 69 episode Children’s series: Klaassen.

Followed by this one.

You can see the whole presentation, and others from the Final Cut Pro X Tour Event at, including one (not yet published) one from me showing how Lumberjack System speeds up the preparation of multicam interviews, and creates basic string-out edits across several shoot days (Story Mode).
While we were away Greg and I did an extended introduction to Metadata for a group of filmmakers in Geneva, that was Greg’s first public presentation. There is a video coming. As part of the same event, Sam Mestman of LumaForge talked about shared storage, his experience with Final Cut Pro X and tools he uses:

We also spent an extended period in Copenhagen talking with STV and Metronome about how they use our apps, and how we can make them better for them, which is what we need (and want) to hear.