The latest in our lunch series is with Ronny Courtens and Nouch Demeulenaere recorded during IBC in September 2016. Ronny has had an amazing career across Europe, from Olympic broadcasting to mainstream television. Nouch is both Ronny’s assistant and a video artist in her own right.
Introduction and Career 0’ 20â€
Final Cut Pro X 1’ 21â€
Early FCP X in a high pressure collaborative environment 2’ 35â€
The beginning of Lumberjack System 5’ 11â€
Why were you excited about FCP X 7’ 05â€
The difference between the USA and Europe 11’ 16â€
Final Cut Pro X Community 16’ 50â€
Dealing with Change (FCP X) 19’ 01â€
Why FCP X is good for workflows 25’ 57â€
Biggest Change so far 28’56â€
‘Retirement’ 29’ 48â€
The future of FCP X & comparisons with other NLEs 32’ 00â€
Shared Storage 40’ 15â€
Future Change 56’ 49â€
Apple Ecosystem 59’ 53â€
Advice to career starter 65’ 52â€