Lumberjack Metadata

Derived Keywords in Action: Magic Keywords for Lumberjack System (Right Video)

I’ve long taught of the value of derived metadata. We are now applying it in Lumberjack System with a new feature called Magic Keywords.

Just over 7 years ago I started identifying the types of metadata that would be useful in post production. One that particularly excited me was derived metadata: using a computer algorithm to derive useful information for use in post production. At the time the only example I could suggest was deriving location and type of location from GPS data.

We can now add another: Magic Keywords in Lumberjack System. Magic Keywords are derived from transcripts and are an addition to Transcript mode, added to Lumberjack at NAB 2015.

Magic Keywords are Keywords and Keyword Ranges that are derived from the transcript text. Please note that you still need to have the transcripts done manually. The holy grail of automated transcripts is not yet with us.

I had already logged the particular examples in the video below, and the results were very similar to the core keyword ranges I used in backLogger where I had applied them manually.

Let me explain.

My apologies. I initially uploaded the raw capture not the edited version.