Assisted Editing

New Website

Time to simplify the site and clarify the brand.

We just published a new version of the It was time! Each of our host apps – Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro 7 – has their own tab on the home page, and customized app pages.

While I expect computers to take on more and more of the pre-editing functions, we’re losing the Assisted Editing branding. It made sense when we first used it. Back then we had books, training products, The Digital Production BuZZ as well as the software.

The BuZZ went to Larry Jordan, we discontinued our training products and the books rightly came here to my personal site.

So, Intelligent Assistance Software, Inc makes metadata based workflow tools for Final Cut Pro X, Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro 7. That’s all we do. As a company.

Greg and I are also behind, of course.

Both this new site and are built using Adobe Muse, which I really like for this type of sales brochure website. In both sites, store functions are outside the Muse site.