Item of Interest Monetizing The Business of Production

Web video company My Damn Channel gets $4.4m funding.

Company focuses on branded entertainment and celebrity content.

Web video company My Damn Channel zeroes in on branded entertainment  and celebrity content This is the third company in the “mini-web-studio” category to get funding recently.

There’s a lot out there beyond that original article – someone has a good publicist or is good at getting out to the media. The New York Times has After Drought, Hope for Shows Made for Web; there’s the Venture Beat article mentioned above and New TeeVee focus on the fund raising and expanding staff to “10 people”.

All three articles are worth the read. While there’s some duplication in content they give varying amounts of context and mentions of other similar mini-web-studios like Revision3, BlipTV and more, and how their shows “pay the bills”.