Item of Interest

Just how ridiculous will the RIAA get? [Updated]

RIAA Claims That If COICA Isn’t Passed, Americans Are ‘Put At Risk’! Idiots

Just how ridiculous will the RIAA become?

Over the years the RIAA and MPAA spokespeople have made some ridiculous statements in order to push their agenda that their (obsolete) business models should be enshrined in law instead of adapting and changing.

Well, now they’ve become even more ridiculous over the COICA legislation – a Bill that should not pass into law because it lacks checks and balances and no-one involved has even considered the “unintended consequences”. (Oh, and removing sites from the DNS entries won’t help since the IP address works just as well.)

Mmm, idiotic and ineffective legislation that won’t achieve its stated goals but will help the RIAA and MPAA stay in their executive chairs a little longer. Kill the COICA legislation and let’s get rid of the industry lobby group’s outside influence over the Congress they’ve bought and paid for.

But the really ridiculous part is the claim that, without this law, “foreign sites that put Americans at risk are allowed to flourish.” Just what are these sites, and which Americans are “at risk” from them? So, let’s see if the RIAA can tell us which Americans are put at risk by which site — and I’m sorry, but your inability to adapt your business model to a changing market does not put you “at risk.” So, once again, it’s time for the RIAA to answer a straight question: which sites are putting Americans at risk, and how will this law protect them?

TechDirt lists a whole bunch of technologies that would have been blocked had this appalling piece of legislation have passed a few years back: YouTube, Music Lokcers, Music search engines…