Item of Interest

Supermeet, Oasis and Editor’s Lounge: What’s on this week in LA and SF

A metadata-focused presentation at Oasis with myself, Get and Media Silo; Alpha Dogs Editor’s Lounge and Supermeet SF on Friday.

A busy week for those who want to learn more.

Thursday night is the Metadata Workflow Event at Oasis Imagery in Hollywood LA. Features myself; Tony Cahill from CET Universe; Doug Hynes of Get Phonetic and Erik Freid from Media Silo.

Metadata is crucial in today’s ever-changing, competitive post production environment. New, exciting tools continue to emerge. Trying to sort through it all? Join us for a special event in LA on January 27th

Friday night I’ll be one of the presenters at Alpha Dogs’ Editor’s Lounge in Burbank CA from 7pm. I’ll be demonstrating how we take the boring out of postproduction with Assisted Editing tools.

But the same night is the San Francisco Supermeet, so if you’re not in Burbank, you should be in San Francisco. Final Cut Studio, HDSLR and digital filmmaking and meet others who may know more than you do.