
Lunch with Michael Horton

Michael Horton’s  career is well documented – the first of our guests with a Wikipedia entry. Michael is also one of my longest standing and closest friends. We met at a LACPUG meeting long before I moved to the USA and he endeared himself to us when he was the first to review The DV Companion for Final Cut Pro back in 1999.

Michael Horton Key Image


Lunch with Philip and Greg

In this edition Cirina Catania turns the tables and takes Philip Hodgetts and Greg Clarke to lunch. You can find out all you want about Philip on this blog or with a Google search. Greg Clarke has a PhD in Medical Research but chose a career of entrepreneurship over medical research, becoming ‘Friday boss’ in Philip’s Australian business. He is now the co-develper and coding partner for Intelligent Assistance and Lumberjack System.

Philip and Greg have been together as a couple for nearly 25 years, and married in California in 2008.


Lunch with Patrick Palmer

Recorded in Munich in September, our next lunch guest is full time dad, and some-time product manager for Adobe, Patrick Palmer.

Patrick key image 1

Currently on paternity leave, Patrick Palmer will be returning to his role as Sr. Product Manager, Color Workflows. Patrick came to Adobe via the purchase of Iridas. Our interview covers the formation of Iridas, and a whole lot more.


Lunch with Maxim Jago

Maxim Jago is a media trainer, presenter, award-winning writer, and film director. He’s also an Adobe Master Trainer and author. He presents regularly at media events, has trained editors all around the world, and has taught everyone from schoolchildren to university professors, from ABC’s top editors in Australia to the BBC’s tech gurus in the UK. Visit his website at

Maxim Key Image

Maxim Jago began directing at 16, and studied film at the Bournemouth and Pool College of Art and Design, and then the Farnham Art college (later named the Surrey Institute of Art & Design). While studying, he worked continually on new projects, trying new roles and collaborating with all comers. After leaving Farnham, he embarked on a series of short films, going on to produce and direct Trust Me, a feature length documentary about the work of abstract theatre director, Richard Foreman.

Our longest lunch definitely covered the widest range of topics.

Item of Interest Video Technology

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 70: Production

In the latest Terence and Philip Show, Terence and Philip talk about Lunch with Philip and Greg; what it is and the 4K, small production kit approach that allows the show to be produced over lunch in regular restaurants. The discussion moves to other production and why we got into the business in the first place before discussing the future of motion graphics in the era of templatorization. (Motion VFX, Stupid Raisins, Fiverr).

Terence and Philip answer some listener questions, including “Where do we compromise, and where can we not compromise” and “When is too much media is enough”.


Lunch with Bart Neckebroeck

The next guest in the Lunch with Philip and Greg series, is Bart Neckebroeck.

Bart Key imageBart is a freelance trainer for Adobe, Avid and Apple NLEs and a freelance editor on Media Composer and Final Cut Pro. He has produced his own films and documentaries and brings an interesting insight into the state of NLEs and production in his native Belgium.

Business & Marketing Monetizing

Joss Whedon made more from ‘Dr Horrible’ than ‘Avengers’?

From Variety:

Joss Whedon shared an eye-opening fact during Saturday night’s reunion of the “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” team: He’s made more money from his independently financed 2008 Internet musical than he did from writing and directing Marvel’s first blockbuster “Avengers” movie.

That’s pretty amazing considering he would have picked up between $5 and $10 million for writing and directing that first Avenger’s movie.

I previously wrote of Dr Horrible’s Singalong Blog in February 2009, where I discussed where the income was coming from. The iTunes revenue and DVD sales must have been pretty good as streaming served more as promotion for the iTunes and DVD sales.



Lunch with Terry Curren

The latest episode of Lunch with Philip and Greg is with Terry Curren, recorded during the Blackmagic Design Open Day in August 2014. Terry Curren is Founder and President of Alpha Dogs. Terry has had a passion for filmed entertainment since the age of 12, when he began creating home movies with an old eight-millimeter camera.

Lunch with Terry CurrenHe began his career in the early 1980s by directing, editing and producing music videos and a direct-to-video feature film. In 1986, he spearheaded the evolution of a major post-production facility’s edit bays, where he became senior editor in short order. His reviews and tutorials of emerging post technologies have appeared in Post, DV Magazine and other publications.

His extensive knowledge of the Avid along with his rich editorial and color-correction experience, has earned him the recognition of his peers and a legion of loyal clients. Visit Terry’s IMDB page.

Assisted Editing Lumberjack

Intelligent Assistance and Lumberjack System Apps ready for El Capitan

OS X 10.11 “El Capitan” is about to be released to the public. All the Intelligent Assistance apps required updates to support the new OS, so be sure to update your apps in the App Store before you upgrade to El Capitan!

Apps from our own store have also been updated. Each of the non-App Store apps has a Check for Updates… item under the app’s main menu. If there’s a new version available it’ll download and install itself for you.

Lumberjack System’s Lumberyard and backLogger apps have been updated for El Capitan. Download from within the app before upgrading to El Capitan. The iOS Logger app has been tested against iOS 9 and requires no updating.


Lunch with Jerry Hofmann

Our next lunch guest was recorded in Estes Park, Colorado, during a recent trip to visit with Jerry Hofmann. During his 33-year professional show business career, he has become an award winning theatrical actor, TV and film editor, writer, director and producer. Over the years, he has produced hundreds of TV commercials, and industrial films for Fortune 500 companies, Hollywood studios and advertising agencies.

Jerry would like everyone to know that he forgot he had the sunglasses on, as we were outside.
Jerry would like everyone to know that he forgot he had the sunglasses on, as we were outside.

A true pioneer in the technology, Jerry received one of the first Avid non-linear disk based editors in Los Angeles. He now teaches part-time at the Colorado Film and Video Instructional Studios. He is a team leader in the Final Cut Pro forum at, and is the leading contributor to Apple Computer’s own discussion group for Final Cut Pro and is a frequent visitor of 2-Pop’s discussion groups. He also has his own company, jlh productions, and he is a partner in Bat-Mann Productions, both located in Denver, Colorado