Interesting Technology

Resolve gets GPU Debayering

The latest release of Resolve – 10.1.3 – includes this gem:

  • GPU debayer Preferences option for REDCODE RAW clips

I think it’s inevitable that NLEs also get this GPU capability, which allows debayering of RED RAW files on the GPU instead of needing a RED Rocket card for the task. Already Premiere Pro uses the GPU for debayering for Cinema DNG files, so I see a trend coming.

In fact Adobe’s David Hemly teased a real-time GPU debayer as part of a March Technology Preview. (Toward the end). Technology previews are not guaranteed to be part of a future release, but they always have been in the past!


1.8 Million Creative Cloud Subscribers!

Adobe’s Creative Cloud subscription service is highly successful, with the latest report showing they’ve added another 400,000 subscribers in the last quarter to take the total to 1.8 million.

I wonder how many are active Premiere Pro CC users? Obviously a lot more than a year ago.

Apple Pro Apps

Another FCP X Movie?

Last week, we sold a Producer’s Best Friend, Sync-N-Link X and a Change List X all through the UK Apple Store on the same day. I think it’s reasonable to assume it was the same customer. That combination of apps appeals only to the highest level of productions – generally major motion pictures or very high end Television.

The App Store never lets developers know who made the purchase, so I don’t know any details, but it appears the “$100 million movie” isn’t the only one.


MacUpdate Are Damaging Our Business [Updated 3:35 1/24)

[Update] MacUpdate have moved a little and made changes and updates that at least remove most of the perceived damage being caused. We have cordially agreed to disagree about their business model, which – because they have no mechanism to remove an app permanently – I consider immoral and parasitic.

Original Post begins.

MacUpdate have listed our Intelligent Assistance Apps without our permission. Their listings have significant errors and we’d rather they not be listed because:

a) as a developer you have to jump through hoops (with a broken system) to “claim” your apps

b) as a developer you are responsible for correcting all the errors made by the MacUpdate team, creating an addition burden on the developer (me) and it causes confusion among potential customers which damages our reputation. (When MacUpdate list a commercial app as a “demo” people are upset when it is not a demo version.)

c) There appears to be no way to remove the listing, even when you jump through all the hoops MacUpdate request.


Learn about FCP X and 4K in Culver City (LA)

I think of 4K more as shortcut for “high end production workflows” (which may be in 4K or not) rather than a literal 4K push, although there’s no doubt 4K will become normal in some workflows, so I’m more than happy to get involved with Larry Jordan’s 4K FCP X seminar on January 14, and supporting for their Final Cut Pro X and 4K presentations this Saturday January 25th in Culver City, LA.

I’ll be demonstrating our apps, Lumberjack and answering FCP X questions. You can find the information for free registration at

Adobe Apple Video Technology

Export times: Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Premiere Pro CC.

I had time to do some export testing from Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro X 10.1. Definite proof that second GPU is being used, and worth it!

Adobe Apple

Mac Pro and Premiere Pro CC (mid Dec 2013).

Today I performed the same test using Premiere Pro CC as I did with Final Cut Pro X a few days ago. In the process I learnt a few things.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

A year in Software Releases

As is usual at this time of the year, Greg tallied up our software releases for the year. Well, more accurately his software releases, as I do not write the software. Surprisingly, we’re still updating software for Final Cut Pro 7.

Apple Apple Pro Apps

Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro X 10.1, and five streams of native R3D

I decided to take a video of the Mac Pro’s amazing performance with native Red R3D 4K files. Watch five streams, with composite modes, scale, rotation and more play without rendering.

Apple Apple Pro Apps

Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Content Analysis

Continuing my ‘as I go’ reporting of my Mac Pro experience with some further thoughts on the size, shape and noise, and some Content Analysis testing in Final Cut Pro X.