
Marketing Lessons from IBC

When you are designing your marketing messaging, you need to clearly communicate the benefit (or even the service/product you’re providing) to those who have no idea what you do. In light of what I’ve observed on the exhibition floor at IBC, I may even need to reconsider our own “Taking the boring out of post” slogan as not being clear enough.

Assisted Editing Lumberjack Metadata

BOSCPUG Demo video: Lumberjack and Producer’s Best Friend.

Lumberjack and Producer’s Best Friend at BOSCPUG…


Adobe Metadata The Technology of Production

Prelude LiveLogger

As part of their October 2013 Creative Cloud updates Adobe have released Prelude LiveLogger, an extension to the Prelude family of metadata entry tools, for real-time on location logging. Like us, Adobe realized that there are situations where there is simply no time to log between the shoot, and the need to edit. Adobe offers the example of a football match where plays are tagged in real time during the game, and a highlight real pulled from Prelude moments after the shoot.

Our need was to log, shoot and edit as we undertook the Solar Odyssey, realizing that the only way to allow time for sleep was to log as we shoot.


Adobe updates Creative Cloud

If you read the Internet you’ll no doubt be aware that Adobe just announced updates to Creative Cloud’s video applications that they will be previewing at IBC. I had the privilege of previewing these updates a little while ago, and I have to say I’m impressed. I’m particularly impressed with Prelude LiveLogger, which gets its own blog post.


When you say “metadata” do you mean pre-post, asset management or distribution metadata?

What is metadata. Well, largely it depends on where you are in the production-to-distribution pipeline. We use metadata to solve problems in production, asset management and distribution. Let’s consider each of these problem and how it was solved before the digital era, and where metadata fits into the modern workflow.

Item of Interest

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 60

Terence and Philip mainly focus on the cost of producing movies, but there are lots of tangents in between.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

Intelligent Assistance releases Change List X

I know, we don’t release anything new for the longest time (although a lot of updates) and then we do two apps with only a week in between. Both Producer’s Best Friend and Change List X have been in development for quite some time, reaching the point where we think they were ready for release.

Industry standard Change Lists for updating Post Audio or VFX  of changes in the “final” edit.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

Intelligent Assistance releases Producer’s Best Friend

Intelligent Assistance tackles reporting problems for Final Cut Pro X: announces Producer’s Best Friend

Every Report you need from Final Cut Pro X, in a formatted spreadsheet with no EDL or copy and paste!

Burbank CA Aug 28, 2013: Intelligent Assistance announces the Producer’s Best Friend, a utility application to extract an Excel spreadsheet report about the video clips, audio clips, titles, filters, transitions and markers you’ve used in Final Cut Pro X.

“The alternative is a complex dance of copy/paste of individual clip names and timecode in and out points,” says Intelligent Assistance CEO Philip Hodgetts. “Instead, of hours or days, the entire process is done in seconds.”

Producer’s Best Friend reports on Clips in an Event, Compound Clip or Project. The report includes a Summary Sheet, and individual sheets for Clips, Roles and Subroles, Markers, Keywords, Video Effects, Audio Effects and Transitions.

Hodgetts continues “Producer’s Best Friend can generate music use reports -  as well as Video and Audio Effects, Roles and Subroles, Transitions and Markers – directly to a fully formatted Excel spreadsheet, without the convoluted use of an EDL or copy/paste techniques.”

For just $99.99 Producer’s Best Friend extracts all the information from an XML export of your Events, Compound Clips or Projects and formats it in an Excel spreadsheet in seconds. There is more information available at along with a short demo video.

For reports from Final Cut Pro 7 and Premiere Pro CS 6 and later, Intelligent Assistance has Sequence Clip Reporter.

Media Consumption Monetizing

Downloads make little mark on box office.

Yet another study shows no evidence of harm from illegal downloading, aka unauthorized distribution.

The illegal downloading of films has little effect on box office revenue, and industry estimates of its losses are exaggerated, a study has found.

However, the analysis also found that the national broadband network would encourage digital piracy.

We are still waiting for a peer reviewed study that shows any harm. Waiting, waiting, waiting. (Yes the MPAA/RIAA publish “results” but when you examine the details, their is no support for the MPAA/RIAA position. In other words they publish completely bogus results.)

The Business of Production

No more for me

I totally support every company’s right to go after those distributing their content by unauthorized means, but they must do it within the law. Unfortunately has hired a shell company “IP Arrow” to handle their takedowns, and that company is doing Lynda a great disservice by issuing bogus DMCA takedowns. (This is illegal but never prosecuted.)