Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest The Technology of Production

Oops, I accidentally finished the edit!

I’m working on a side project for my friend Cirina Catania who’s trying to get a series running called After Action Stories about what happens to servicemen once they return from service. The pilot stories have revolved around Furnishing Hope that we shot back in May. One interview edit has been on hold until we were able to shoot some B-roll of Furnishing Hope in action. (They transform an empty apartment or house into a home in 3 hours.)

For the first time ever in my life there was more b-roll than I could use. Between us, Cirina and I captured over 320 video shots and hundreds of stills. The footage spoke to me and called me to put it together into something that Furnishing Hope could use to attract sponsors. Then something odd happened.


The Terence and Philip Show Episode 59

A new Terence and Philip Show, where Terrence and Philip talk about the Adobe Creative Cloud.

The Business of Production

Most Pirated is better than an Emmy?

According to Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes, Game of Thrones being the most pirated is better than an Emmy.

Yes, in response to a question about whether the network kinda-sorta regards the extensive theft of HBO’s flagship show, Game of Thrones, as a compliment, Bewkes said, “I have to admit it, I think you’re right.” The much-discussed fantasy series is HBO’s most popular, and “if you go to people who are watching it without subs, it’s a tremendous word-of-mouth thing,” the exec told investors. “We’ve been dealing with this for 20, 30 years—people sharing subs, running wires down the backs of apartment buildings. Our experience is that it leads to more paying subs. I think you’re right that Game of Thrones is the most pirated show in the world,” he said. “That’s better than an Emmy.”


Assisted Editing Metadata The Business of Production

Sequence Clip Reporter, a.k.a The Producer’s Best Friend, Updated to Fully Support Premiere Pro CC

Press release from my day job. For you Premiere Pro users.

Intelligent Assistance, announces major update to popular report generation tool, allowing producers to interface with Adobe’s Premier Pro CC and instantly produce deliverables in the form of reports such as music cue sheets, stock footage reports, text generator reports, narration reports, sequence markers, etc.

Apple Pro Apps

Final Cut Pro X is faster!

From my personal use of Final Cut Pro X I’ve felt it was faster and more fluid: that editing had become fun again. I loved Media 100 in my early NLE days. It was fluid and fast but very limited, so when Final Cut Pro 1 was in beta I jumped to it for the power. Fortunately I’m a smart guy and the complexity never really bothered me, but I didn’t feel like Final Cut Pro 1-7 was particularly fluid.

As I’ve travelled and spoken at various groups, person after person has come up to me and say some variation of:

“Final Cut Pro X took me (a longish time) to adapt, but now I’ve got to understand it, I’ve never edited faster”.

The specific words change, but the sentiment does not. And apparently I’m not the only one.I’ve collected snippets that I come across over the last year where people comment on their move to Final Cut Pro X that there has to be something to it. I present them with minimal editorial comment. For these people, Final Cut Pro x is faster.

The Business of Production

NBC Concedes Quality, Goes for Live Events

The Wall Street Journal reports that NBC are going to focus on “live” and “event focused” broadcasts, which is reasonable since that’s pretty much all they have left!

Item of Interest Technology

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 58.

Recorded after the announcement of the new Mac Pro this episode covers that, 3D and 4K.

Correction: A couple of people have bought to our attention that the SSD in the MacBook Pro Retina and the MacBook Airs are in fact socketed and user replaceable.

The Business of Production

Is the $200 million “Blockbuster” movie dead?

After six blockbuster movies this summer  are looking like complete flop is it time to reconsider the type of movie “Hollywood” is making? Is a $200 million “Blockbuster” the only movie that should be produced? When even Variety says it’s time for studios to “end their Mega-budget obsession” perhaps it is time to rethink the Hollywood output.

Apple Pro Apps Career

Whatever the job you need Final Cut Pro skills!

I was reading through “20 things 20 year olds don’t get” at Forbes and right in the middle jumps out this paragraph:

You HAVE to Build Your Technical Chops – Adding “Proficient in Microsoft Office” at the bottom of your resume under Skills, is not going to cut it anymore.  I immediately give preference to candidates who are ninjas in: Photoshop, HTML/CSS, iOS, WordPress, Adwords, MySQL, Balsamiq, advanced Excel, Final Cut Pro – regardless of their job position.  If you plan to stay gainfully employed, you better complement that humanities degree with some applicable technical chops.

I added the emphasis, but it’s strong evidence for my “video is just another literacy” hypothesis.  Although in context I have to say, I have no idea what “Blasamiq” is and definitely don’t have any skills. (The others, fortunately, I do have some skills in.)

Apple must be pleased with the use of “Final Cut Pro” as a generic term for NLE!

Apple Pro Apps Random Thought

Final Cut Pro X for (basic) Audio Editing.

Most of the episodes of The Terence and Philip Show are edited by interns at Alpha Dogs, and we’re very thankful for their efforts. From time to time I edit a show and have always, until now, edited them in Soundtrack Pro. But I love the Magnetic Timeline in FCP X and thought it would be perfect for the audio editing. So this time I tried it, and was surprised at the results.