The Business of Production

Is “Hollywood” worth saving?

Although I want to believe change will happen, experience tells me that change happens much more slowly than I generally expect. So I don’t expect much short-term change to the “Hollywood” studio model, but I do see that there’s a lack of direction. Sequels and franchises borrowed from elsewhere, to push the tentpole model, isn’t the creative industry it can be. (Many, many very creative people make these films, but the ideas seem repetitive.)

Well, Erik Lokkesmoe wonders Is Hollywood Worth Saving?


What can you do with “just metadata”?

I have written on the six different types of metadata for post production, and by extension the area of pre-post. One of those types of metadata is Inferred: based on the metadata we have already obtained from the source, or what someone’s added, what can we infer. Well, apparently a whole lot more than you’d think. Two articles I’ve read recently show just how much can be inferred – pretty accurately – from a relatively small amount of metadata.

Apple The Business of Production

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 57: Avid’s financials and more.

A wide ranging episode that starts with a discussion of Avid’s financials, and goes all over the place from there. This episode was recorded before the release of Adobe Creative Cloud and the preview of the new MacPro. And a discussion of beer and wine seemed to be an appropriate analogy along the way. Sometimes a little heated.

Business & Marketing The Business of Production

Preselling a popular series to fans first?

House of Cards spurred a lot of binge viewing. Gary Delfiner is one who binged and thinks there might be an opportunity for additional revenue to producers by preselling a popular series to the most ardent fans first. Give them early access before the “free” (or no additional payment) version some weeks later.

Distribution The Business of Production

Can You Make a Living on YouTube?

In a world where we’re all trying to work out where and how we’ll make a living in the future, many wonder if YouTube is a solution. It can be, but you have to be in the top 100 channels.


Stop the CUDA panic! Adobe CC, Resolve, et al work fine on the new MacPro! [Updated]

The preview of the new MacPro has, not surprisingly, polarized “the Internet”. It is however exactly the computer I thought Apple would produce for a new MacPro. Well, the tubular design was a surprise, but the lack of internal drive space, expansion slots were no surprise. But the lack of NVIDA “cards” and therefore CUDA support, has alarmed many, quite needlessly.

The Business of Production

The Demise of the Professional Photographer (and Videographer).

In a recent post commenting on Marissa Mayer’s “Professional Photography is dead” statement, Chuq Von Rospach posted Why Marissa Mayer was really right, even if you hate hearing that fact. Essentially the argument is that, because modern cameras make it easier to take a decent/good picture there’s less need for the professional.

I think we could replace “Professional Photographer” in that article, with “Professional Videographer” because the issues are very similar.

The Business of Production

The New Professional Video Editor

Given how few people are full time professional video editors, and how many seats of NLEs have been sold, there are clearly a lot of people “in between”: people who edit professionally, but not all day, every day. Here are a couple of examples from my recent reading.

The Technology of Production

Ubiquitous cameras are changing Documentary filmmaking.

Yesterday my friend Michael Kammes tweeted:

The *real* reason cameras need higher resolution at a lower price point is so “Caught on Camera” type shows have tolerable video.

However it made me think that the real reason we have so many high resolution cameras as cameras, or as cell phones, is that there will never again be a visual gap in a documentary!

Assisted Editing

How to start an edit pre-logged: use Lumberjack!

As part of our ongoing beta testing of Lumberjack we recently did a shoot at Furnishing Hope for After Action reports on the Military Entertainment Channel. I get to edit this one, so it was really nice to start with my multicam clips fully logged.