Apple Apple Pro Apps

Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro X 10.1, and five streams of native R3D

I decided to take a video of the Mac Pro’s amazing performance with native Red R3D 4K files. Watch five streams, with composite modes, scale, rotation and more play without rendering.

Apple Apple Pro Apps

Mac Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Content Analysis

Continuing my ‘as I go’ reporting of my Mac Pro experience with some further thoughts on the size, shape and noise, and some Content Analysis testing in Final Cut Pro X.

Apple Apple Pro Apps Technology

Mac Pro and Final Cut Pro X: First Impressions

A loaner Mac Pro arrived from Apple on Friday afternoon. It’s a 12 core, dual D700 GPUs, 512 GB Flash storage and 32 GB of RAM. Here are my initial thoughts after three days.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

Upgrade your Events and Project to FCP X 10.1 Libraries the better way

Before running Final Cut Pro X 10.1 the first time, read this.

One of the most exciting new features of Final Cut Pro X 10.1 is the introduction of Libraries. Libraries now contain both Events and Projects in one package, very similar to classic Final Cut Pro “projects”.

This is a huge improvement, but of course it leaves no role for Event Manager X with Libraries, which are well managed within Final Cut Pro X 10.1.

Except Event Manager X is the best tool to use during the migration to Final Cut Pro X Libraries, therefore from today it’s free.

Apple Pro Apps

Final Cut Pro X 10.1

Apple released Final Cut Pro X 10.1 overnight. I’ve had the privilege of working with this version for a while now, and here’s what I’ve found about the new features.

Apple Pro Apps The Business of Production

Final Cut Pro X is as important to Apple as Media Composer is to Avid!

Many people “worry” that Apple will abandon their professional applications (Final Cut Pro X, Aperture and Logic Pro X) because they don’t make much money for the company. Ironically, the same argument can be made about Media Composer: it is not core to the company’s primary business . In reality it’s more likely that Avid would abandon (or sell) Media Composer than Apple is to get out of the professional creative tools market.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

Intelligent Assistance releases Change List X

I know, we don’t release anything new for the longest time (although a lot of updates) and then we do two apps with only a week in between. Both Producer’s Best Friend and Change List X have been in development for quite some time, reaching the point where we think they were ready for release.

Industry standard Change Lists for updating Post Audio or VFX  of changes in the “final” edit.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

Intelligent Assistance releases Producer’s Best Friend

Intelligent Assistance tackles reporting problems for Final Cut Pro X: announces Producer’s Best Friend

Every Report you need from Final Cut Pro X, in a formatted spreadsheet with no EDL or copy and paste!

Burbank CA Aug 28, 2013: Intelligent Assistance announces the Producer’s Best Friend, a utility application to extract an Excel spreadsheet report about the video clips, audio clips, titles, filters, transitions and markers you’ve used in Final Cut Pro X.

“The alternative is a complex dance of copy/paste of individual clip names and timecode in and out points,” says Intelligent Assistance CEO Philip Hodgetts. “Instead, of hours or days, the entire process is done in seconds.”

Producer’s Best Friend reports on Clips in an Event, Compound Clip or Project. The report includes a Summary Sheet, and individual sheets for Clips, Roles and Subroles, Markers, Keywords, Video Effects, Audio Effects and Transitions.

Hodgetts continues “Producer’s Best Friend can generate music use reports -  as well as Video and Audio Effects, Roles and Subroles, Transitions and Markers – directly to a fully formatted Excel spreadsheet, without the convoluted use of an EDL or copy/paste techniques.”

For just $99.99 Producer’s Best Friend extracts all the information from an XML export of your Events, Compound Clips or Projects and formats it in an Excel spreadsheet in seconds. There is more information available at along with a short demo video.

For reports from Final Cut Pro 7 and Premiere Pro CS 6 and later, Intelligent Assistance has Sequence Clip Reporter.

Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest The Technology of Production

Oops, I accidentally finished the edit!

I’m working on a side project for my friend Cirina Catania who’s trying to get a series running called After Action Stories about what happens to servicemen once they return from service. The pilot stories have revolved around Furnishing Hope that we shot back in May. One interview edit has been on hold until we were able to shoot some B-roll of Furnishing Hope in action. (They transform an empty apartment or house into a home in 3 hours.)

For the first time ever in my life there was more b-roll than I could use. Between us, Cirina and I captured over 320 video shots and hundreds of stills. The footage spoke to me and called me to put it together into something that Furnishing Hope could use to attract sponsors. Then something odd happened.

Apple Pro Apps

Final Cut Pro X is faster!

From my personal use of Final Cut Pro X I’ve felt it was faster and more fluid: that editing had become fun again. I loved Media 100 in my early NLE days. It was fluid and fast but very limited, so when Final Cut Pro 1 was in beta I jumped to it for the power. Fortunately I’m a smart guy and the complexity never really bothered me, but I didn’t feel like Final Cut Pro 1-7 was particularly fluid.

As I’ve travelled and spoken at various groups, person after person has come up to me and say some variation of:

“Final Cut Pro X took me (a longish time) to adapt, but now I’ve got to understand it, I’ve never edited faster”.

The specific words change, but the sentiment does not. And apparently I’m not the only one.I’ve collected snippets that I come across over the last year where people comment on their move to Final Cut Pro X that there has to be something to it. I present them with minimal editorial comment. For these people, Final Cut Pro x is faster.