Assisted Editing Interesting Technology Item of Interest

Seamless Video Editing – A Look Toward the Future

Seamless Video Editing – A Look Toward the Future

A provocative first paragraph:

A new application being developed by researchers at UC Berkely and Adobe Systems aims to do just that…helping editors identify the best spot to make a cut based off of audio and visual features of raw footage.  The program can auto generate seamless transitions to make the cuts visually smooth and undetectable.

Which sounds exciting, until you read later:

This tech seems useful for working with on-camera interviews (with only one subject), but in it’s current state it doesn’t seem like it would be effective at tackling more complex shooting situations.

So, which is it? Both and neither. Understanding how and why we make edits is complex, but it is/will be doable. Finding the base information on which to apply that algorithm is even harder. But it is inevitable. Certainly not for every type of edit, and not for every project. Given that an enormous amount of editing is not highly “creative” but somewhat routine.

I have long advocated that this type of technology will be developed and applied. When we were developing First Cuts, the algorithm would product a result and it would be “off” in some way – simply not what I would have done as an editor. That forced an examination of how I would have made the edit. That then lead to needing to quantify why I made the edit there.

That part was not easy, although I am fortunate to have a brain almost equally balanced between left and right – creative and analytic.

In layman’s terms: Spots of the video where there is little audio or on-screen movement are given priority as ideal spots to cut, and are plotted on a “cut suitability” timeline.  If necessary the application will insert natural looking pauses to bridge two cuts together.   From the product demo (embedded below) it appears that editors can simply delete text from the transcript view and the application will go to work creating a seamless transition.  An additional features allows for one-click removal of “ums” and repeated words.

They can go back one step. In an interview situation you generally have two voices: breaking an interview up on voice changes, and then paragraph breaks (which is what this research seems to be doing, but adding in the analysis of motion in video) is “trivial” once we get reliable speech transcription.

Reliable speech transcription is the key to unlocking an enormous amount of metadata-driven tagging/keywording and driving these sorts of automatic assembles. At this stage I see this more as an editor’s tool than for finished projects, although there are some applications in exploring large amounts of video material. (Something I hope to demonstrate by the end of the year using some of the Solar Odyssey footage.)

Should we go down this path? That’s an irrelevant question because, with downward budget pressures dominant in the industry, it’s inevitable. Those that can work smarter – using all the tools at their disposal – will continue to be needed.

And I firmly believe that the emotionally compelling, heart-tugging edit is going to remain beyond the ability of a computer for the balance of my lifetime.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Metadata

Some thoughts on Metadata

There are many kinds of metadata, and previously I’ve noted six that are important to production. There’s a whole second category of metadata that’s more related to asset management, but they share the common goal of being able to find a specific shot, as quickly as possible. In this post I’m talking about what would be Added Metadata of the six.

For scripted material, this is relatively easy, particularly with tools like QR Slate, Movie Slate, and the like now available. For scripted material you have known assets: Scene, shot, take, character, etc., as well as one or two free form fields like Comment. It is with un-scripted material that we run into problems not solvable with those solutions (at least in their current forms).

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.10

Version 1.0.10 has just been released – thanks to the folks at the Mac App Store for granting an expedited review process! The main feature is that it fixes the offline media bug from version 1.0.9, but here’s the full list (including the fixes from 1.0.9):

• Bug fix for incorrectly seeing media files as offline
• Bug fix for multiple keyword collections created for keywords containing a comma (bin names containing a comma are replaced with a semicolon)
• Bug fixes for XML exported from Premiere Pro
• Bug fix for multiclips containing Motion projects
• Bug fixes for certain multiclip structures
• Bug fix for XML exported from REDCINE-X PRO
• Bug fix for media file paths with “illegal” characters

Assisted Editing Metadata

My first test with our “metadata tool”

So, as I think I’ve mentioned, one thing we’re doing for Solar Odyssey is to find a way of entering metadata at the time of shooting, and then use time of day to match metadata and media. Metadata logging doesn’t require the accuracy that synchronizing cameras or double system audio does – for that you need Timecode.

June 14th’s shoot day was the first day I started to use it, once I got a better understanding of how it works. So during the day I logged (knowing I’d made mistakes along the way) the day’s shoot, using a web browser interface to the online web application that does the logging.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.9

While we released this yesterday, I’m getting a bunch of reports that online media is reporting as offline in FCP X. Please do not upgrade until we can examine the cause and (likely) put out a bug fix as 10.0.10.

The latest release of 7toX for Final Cut Pro includes:

• Bug fixes for XML exported from Premiere Pro
• Bug fix for media file paths with “illegal” characters
• Bug fix for multiclips containing Motion projects
• Bug fixes for certain multiclip structures
• Bug fix for XML exported from REDCINE-X PRO


Assisted Editing Solar Odyssey

The Road to Ra: Observations on Haiku production

At this time I should be well underway with Solar Odyssey but as the boat is not yet ready, I find myself shooting “the road to Ra” or how it all came together after the deadline!

Assisted Editing

Xto7 Updated to 1.1.10

Xto7 for Final Cut Pro translates the new Final Cut Pro X Project XML (fcpxml) and converts it for import into Final Cut Pro 7. Your Final Cut Pro X Project becomes a Final Cut Pro 7 Sequence.

Your Final Cut Pro Sequence XML is ready for:

  • Color
  • Final Cut Server
  • Premiere Pro and then dynamic link toAfter Effects
  • Soundbooth
  • Encore (for real Blu-ray authoring)
  • Final Cut Pro 7 more…
Version 1.1.10:

  • Improved detection of synchronized clips
  • Bug fix for audio level keyframes

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.8

The latest release of 7toX for Final Cut Pro includes:

• Bug fix for missing multiple mono audio
• Bug fix for transitions on Photoshop layers creating invalid XML
• Bug fix for audio-only nested sequences
• Bug fix for XML having clips with a frame rate of 0 fps
• Bug fix for sequences with an empty V1 track
• Bug fix for XML exported from Premiere Pro missing a name

Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.7

The latest release of 7toX for Final Cut Pro includes:

• Bug fix for AV clips where only the audio is used
• Bug fix for still images and PDFs importing as black in a sequence
• Bug fix for an extra gap clip added to the end of the primary storyline using XML from Premiere Pro
• Bug fix for incorrect sequence duration using XML from Premiere Pro

That is the third different fix for Premiere Pro XML!  Looking forward to the Automatic Duck influence in future releases!

Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.6

Version 1.0.6 of 7toX for Final Cut Pro was released into the App Store today with these changes:

  • Bug fix for XML exported from Premiere Pro
  • Bug fix for XML exported from Inqscribe
  • Bug fix for SD Anamorphic clips
Yes, that’s a different fix for Premiere Pro FCP 7 XML export!
We have also identified (and fixed today) an issue with still images that shows them as black, or as way too short. That fix will be in 1.0.7 almost ready to submit to the App Store. Unfortunately that’s taking about a week these days.