Apple Pro Apps The Business of Production

Who are Apple’s Final Cut Pro X customers?

When you’re designing software you always have a “use case” or typical user in mind. For our Assisted Editing software I can pretty much name every person we had in mind when creating it. First Cuts was definitely made for me. Transcriptize was an idea from Larry Jordan and was made for him. Sequence Clip Reporter‘s inspiration was from my friend Les Perkins.

So, when I had the opportunity to ask Apple who their typical user is, I had hoped for something more specific than “the vast majority of their current Final Cut Pro users”. Without knowing the demographics of their current user base, we have no idea how to work out who exactly is buying Final Cut Pro X, or who ‘should’ be buying it.

It’s hard to point fingers at who the “2 million installs” equates to, or even the year-earlier “1.4 million unique paying customers” (and there are likely a couple more installs that didn’t pay).

Apple Apple Pro Apps The Technology of Production

How will Apple solve FCP X monitoring? [Updated 7/7]

Over the last year I’ve managed to have some valuable insight on the direction Apple has been, and is, going with what became Final Cut Pro X, but of late the timing – June 21 – has got me thinking. One of the things that has bugged me is that Final Cut Pro X seems like it’s only most of a story. That there are still “other shoes to drop”. Since I don’t know how to quit when I’m “ahead” on the forward looking insight, here’s some more.

Apple Pro Apps Business & Marketing Random Thought

When Logic doesn’t help

I was have a beer last night with my friend Joe B – @zbutcher on Twitter, follow him and check out his Final Cut Pro X curation site linking to all the stories he can find – and naturally the conversation covered the current Final Cut Pro X release and the consequent debate. In my mind, a good discussion is one I come away from with enlightened or changed thinking. And this was a good conversation.

Apple Pro Apps

The bogus ‘professional editors hate FCP X’ petition

In my email in-box this morning I received an email thanking me for supporting the online petition “Final Cut Pro X is Not a Professional Application”.

I did not sign this petition.

I do not support the goals of this petition.

Clearly this petition is bogus. Of those who’s name appears on it, how many are bogus like mine?

Apparently Petitions Online has no verification so you can just add any old names.

This is completely bogus and should be ignored.

If you want to make a difference, send feedback to Apple via the Application menu item in either Final Cut Pro 7 or Final Cut Pro X – both point to the feedback page at

If you have an Inside Sales Rep working inside Apple let them know.

And if you’re really unhappy with Final Cut Pro X, ask for a refund. Officially they don’t give them for the App Store purchases but I know many have received a refund.

Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest Metadata

What did UPS just deliver? The first copies of my new book.

What did UPS just deliver? The very 1st copies of my new FCP X metadata book, Conquering the metadata foundations of Final Cut Pro X. Amazon shortly. PDF is $4.95 under the Books menu above!

Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest

Philip Hodgetts on

RT @planetMitch: Philip Hodgetts live conversation – the good, bad, and future of FCPX – pod #hdslrchat #togs

Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest

Philip answers Terry’s Final Cut Pro X questions

Philip answers Terry’s Final Cut Pro X questions. Episode 30 of the Terence and Philip Show.

Maybe this should be Episode 3X!

Philip had one week’s early access to Final Cut Pro X and answers Terry’s questions in this 30th episode of The Terence and Philip Show.

Philip’s book, Conquering the metadata foundations of Final Cut Pro X is now available.

Many, many thanks to Isai Espinoza for editing the show again and making us sound smart, particularly on this show!! Thanks Isai, awesome job.

Apple Pro Apps

What other New Features does Final Cut Pro X have?

When Apple teased us with a Sneak Peek we knew that there had to be more to Final Cut Pro X than they showed. There certainly is and these features are great. Here’s the run down of the key new features that were not seen during the Sneak Peek, but deserve to be known.

Apple Pro Apps

What are the Answers to the Unanswered Questions about Final Cut Pro X?

Since Apple’s Sneak Peek of Final Cut Pro X, the questions have been flying around the Internet. Well, here’s concise answers to those questions – as many as I could find, so settle in and learn what’s new and what’s not there yet.

UPDATE: Apple have released their own FAQ

Apple Pro Apps

My impressions of Final Cut Pro X

I was fortunate to beta test Final Cut Pro 1 back in early 1999; my company had the second training tool for Final Cut Pro a few months later with the DV Companion; I’ve been writing about editing paradigms and new workflows/new professionals for some time. I was on record as wanting Apple to do the “Apple thing” for Final Cut Pro and pursue some new paradigms for editing. And for the last year, I’ve spend way too much of my time working out what Apple were doing with Final Cut Pro X and what technologies it would use.

So, when Apple invited me for a private preview last week – just a week before Final Cut Pro X’s release – I jumped at the opportunity. Apple additionally have loaned me an i7 17″ MacBook Pro for my testing pleasure.

So, what do I think?