Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.10

Version 1.0.10 has just been released – thanks to the folks at the Mac App Store for granting an expedited review process! The main feature is that it fixes the offline media bug from version 1.0.9, but here’s the full list (including the fixes from 1.0.9):

• Bug fix for incorrectly seeing media files as offline
• Bug fix for multiple keyword collections created for keywords containing a comma (bin names containing a comma are replaced with a semicolon)
• Bug fixes for XML exported from Premiere Pro
• Bug fix for multiclips containing Motion projects
• Bug fixes for certain multiclip structures
• Bug fix for XML exported from REDCINE-X PRO
• Bug fix for media file paths with “illegal” characters

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.9

While we released this yesterday, I’m getting a bunch of reports that online media is reporting as offline in FCP X. Please do not upgrade until we can examine the cause and (likely) put out a bug fix as 10.0.10.

The latest release of 7toX for Final Cut Pro includes:

• Bug fixes for XML exported from Premiere Pro
• Bug fix for media file paths with “illegal” characters
• Bug fix for multiclips containing Motion projects
• Bug fixes for certain multiclip structures
• Bug fix for XML exported from REDCINE-X PRO


Apple Pro Apps Metadata

Some thought on Events and Keyword Collections in Final Cut Pro X

Like many people I questioned the metaphor of “Events” in Final Cut Pro X, but ultimately decided it wasn’t that crucial an issue and just let it be. Now that Greg and I are working on our metadata logging app for Solar Odyssey, we have had to solve the same naming question. It turns out that Event isn’t such a bad name after all.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.8

The latest release of 7toX for Final Cut Pro includes:

• Bug fix for missing multiple mono audio
• Bug fix for transitions on Photoshop layers creating invalid XML
• Bug fix for audio-only nested sequences
• Bug fix for XML having clips with a frame rate of 0 fps
• Bug fix for sequences with an empty V1 track
• Bug fix for XML exported from Premiere Pro missing a name

Apple Pro Apps Item of Interest Video Technology

Final Cut Pro X ingests from multiple devices at the same time. [Updated]

Well that’s interesting. We noticed that in Final Cut Pro X’s Import from Camera window that, not only was the built-in camera always visible (it’s a MacBook Pro) even with external devices mounted, so Greg hypothesized that it would ingest from multiple sources at the same time. This, of course, would be highly desirable on The Solar Odyssey, so I decided to test it.

Apple Apple Pro Apps

Some Final Cut Pro X Data Points

As expected my Monday morning on-the-record briefing with Apple’s Pro Apps team was very similar to Larry Jordan’s the day before. Larry covered the bulk of the content well on his blog post about it, so I don’t feel the need to go over the same data again.

I note Larry’s request for the retention of In and Out points, and that’s certainly desirable. I “banged the drum” (strongly) for selective copy/paste of attributes and was also told the same “the announced features aren’t the only ones we’ll release” response. FWIW, I think FCP X will use a selective copy approach, since you can already select (highlight) just one group of attributes. My interest in the Solar Odyssey project also had me putting in a pitch for sharing an Event to multiple editors working on their own Projects. All we can do is suggest priorities.

But what really stuck out were two data points mentioned in the briefing that Larry didn’t comment on.

There are now more Final Cut Pro X installs than Final Cut Pro 7 installs.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Metadata The Technology of Production

How do you put more quality on the screen than is in the budget?

Perusing the Final Cut Pro X In Action stories I had two observations: as others have noticed no mention of Mac Pros, and that Leverage has a $1.8 million budget. Only the second has anything to do with metadata!

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.5 hits the Mac App Store

7toX version 1.0.5 hit the Mac App Store last night. This version is free from the Mac App Store and is mostly tidying up loose ends as we find them.

What’s New in this Version

  • Support for XML exported from Belle Nuit Subtitler
  • Support for XML exported from Movie★Slate
  • Bug fix for XML exported from Premiere Pro
  • Bug fix for Crop
  • Bug fix for Position, Scale, Crop and Distort for square pixel video in non-square pixel timelines, and non-square pixel video in square pixel timelines
  • Bug fix for detecting Photoshop clips in a Project

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Item of Interest

Final Cut Pro X 10.0.4 hits the Mac App Store

Final Cut Pro X 10.0.4 hits the app store. Now Xto7 can support flattened multicam in the current release due to the new XML capabilities in this release – specifically, the presence of multicam data in the Project XML.

The current release of Xto7 (version 1.1.7) already supports this feature when sent 10.0.4 Project XML. Unfortunately, due to the way the two apps support Multicam, Xto7 can only do a “flattened” version. We translate the active angle as an independent clip, losing the Multicam information.

The reason is that FCP X multicam is much more powerful and forgiving than FCP 7’s version so it proved impossible to have any sort of reliable translation as Multiclips back. For example: FCP X supports MP4 media in multiclips; mixed formats in multiclips; mixed frame rates in multiclips; more than one clip in a multiclip angle, etc.  Any one of those items would prevent translation to FCP 7 Multiclips.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing

7toX for Final Cut Pro 1.0.3

Version 1.0.3 of 7toX for Final Cut Pro was approved through the App Store yesterday. That’s an update every two weeks, as we find the outlier circumstances and track down some bugs. At this stage, each bug is affecting fewer and fewer people.