Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

Solar Odyssey: Lighting and Mounts

At one level, we could almost do without traditional lighting, particularly if I outfit the cabin with sufficiently soft light sources (like these LED strips that could line the ceiling and high walls), but I’m not sure I’d be satisfied. My first job was as Head Technician and lighting designer at the Newcastle Civic Theater, but for the five years before that I’d already (from age 16) run my own theater lighting business. (A small business, I should point out.)

So, I’m a little fussy about the way things look. Hence, lighting. And logically LED, and therefore LitePanels. A mixture of Micro Pros, Mini Pros and a 1×1 for when I need a heavy fill or to light up a bigger area.

Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

Solar Odyssey: Connectivity

There are a number of reasons why we need continuous (or as continuous as possible) Internet during the Solar Odyssey:

  • Research on surrounding attractions and contact details
  • Our multi-user logging app will be on a remote server (most likely) or connected via the public internet to the server on Ra (unlikely). It needs this topography to make the multi-user aspect work.
  • Upload daily video blogs, pictures, and blog posts for and

We have need for connectivity on Ra for research and posting purposes, but also while off the boat for the logging app.

Item of Interest The Business of Production The Technology of Production

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 44

The Terence and Philip Show Episode 44: The HPA Retreat – technology’s leading edge.

Terence attended this year’s Hollywood Post Alliance retreat with the theme “Snowflake Workflows” and talks about the technologies that were previewed.

The things that stood out for Terry in the demo room: Sony’s Blu-ray archive solution to compete with LTO and $25,000 4K home projector;

There’s a side discussion how disruptive technologies often come out of the consumer divisions of the large conglomerates rather than their professional product division.

Terry then a panel where Disney discussed automating the diversity of outputs from master file (up to thousands of variations).

How does the combination of RAW and Lytro camera affect production? How much moves from production to post?

Terry also talks about the trends in production and consumption revealed at the HPA Retreat.

Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

Solar Odyssey – Power

One of the challenges for the Solar Odyssey is that Ra is a solar powered boat. No sail, no diesel, just solar. This raises two primary issues: how do we power equipment without native 110v; and how much extra power do we need to generate to run production, above and beyond what’s needed by life on the boat and – most significantly – the motors? Neither have simple answers.

Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

Solar Odyssey – Computers and SAN

Having acquired some pictures and sound, hopefully of high quality, how are we going to edit given no Mac Pro on board (too big and too much power required) and definitely no Fiber Channel drives (again too big and too much power required).

Since Final Cut Pro X runs so very well on MacBook Pros, primary editing will be done on two mid 2011 Quad Core i7 MacBook Pros with 8 GB RAM each. Even better there are readily available 12v native power supplies for these computers and an older Core2Duo (December 2009 vintage). While this isn’t an ideal machine for Final Cut Pro X, it has other advantages and uses, as we’ll see.

Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

Solar Odyssey Audio Choices

Continuing the haiku that is Solar Odyssey production with the audio question. Audio has never been my strongest point although I’ve always had the good sense to hire someone for whom it was a strong point!

No such luck here. There’s simply not room in the crew for a dedicated audio person.

There are also two audio problems to solve: on Ra (our boat) and off Ra.

Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

The Solar Odyssey Camera Choice(s)

All television starts with a camera. In 2012, it’s impossible to buy a new camera that doesn’t produce good images, from tiny 1/4″ sensors up to 35mm size and beyond. So what to choose?

For me, it has to have a large sensor. Large sensor video cameras just produce nicer images (particularly if you know how to focus!).

General Solar Odyssey The Technology of Production

It’s a Production Haiku called Solar Odyssey

Back when I wrote for print magazines, one of the greatest challenges was writing an article to fit the constrained space. Writing the article was never the problem; whittling it down to the allotted word count took more time than the writing. Cutting away a little at a time to the absolute minimum that will convey the content.

Much like the constraint of a Haiku focuses on both simplicity and structure, the production choices I’ve had to make for Solar Odyssey are the paring down to absolute simplicity. Oh, and invent some new technology along the way!

Assisted Editing Metadata The Technology of Production

Why is temporal XMP metadata so exciting?

There are, in fact, two things that excite me greatly about Adobe’s CS6 Production Premium: temporal XML metadata, and time associated metadata (which Adobe calls “disassociated metadata”). Together they are an exciting combination that has sent my head spinning with possibilities.

Apple Pro Apps Assisted Editing Metadata The Technology of Production

How do you put more quality on the screen than is in the budget?

Perusing the Final Cut Pro X In Action stories I had two observations: as others have noticed no mention of Mac Pros, and that Leverage has a $1.8 million budget. Only the second has anything to do with metadata!