Item of Interest

Flash For Smartphones Is Finally here – and it’s terrible?

Flash For Smartphones Is Finally Here, And It Is Terrible

Apparently the performance is good for games but in a browser it’s as bad as Steve Jobs predicted.

Of course, this is beta software – both the version of Android OS and Flash 10.1 for mobiles – so this isn’t the final form we should judge, but you’d thing, if this is the killer aspect over the iPhone, Google and Adobe would want to show something that deflected Mr Jobs’ criticism.

PocketNow recently put a Nexus One with Android 2.2 through a series of speed tests against an iPhone 3GS and and HTC HD2 running Opera for Windows Mobile. The Nexus One outperformed the other phones by a comfortable margin — but only when Flash was disabled.

With Flash enabled, the Nexus One was the slowest of the three phones.

Speed isn’t the only problem with Flash in Android. A snap review from Gizmodo on Thursday pointed out that it’s also a huge battery drain, and outside of sites specifically optimized for mobile, isn’t yet all that reliable.


Item of Interest

10 Tips to better pricing

10 Tips to better pricing How 1% increase in revenue usually leads to 11% increase in profit.

There’s a lot of detail, and not every suggestion applies to every business, but these will find their way into my “How to Grow your Production and Post Production business” (Next up May 19 in San Francisco with SF Cutters.)

  • Stop marking up costs.
  • Set prices that capture value.
  • Create a value statement.
  • Reinforce to employees (and yourself) that it is okay to earn high profits.
  • Realize that a discount today doesn’t guarantee a premium tomorrow.
  • Understand that customers have different pricing needs.
  • Provide pick-a-plan options. (Some people want hourly, some want project price)
  • Offer product (or service) versions. (My brother has a premium roof gutter business, and a competing budget roof gutter business.)
  • Implement differential pricing.
  • Use pricing tactics to complete your customer puzzle.

and in summary:

Since pricing is an underutilized strategy, it is fertile ground for new profits. The beauty of focusing on pricing is that many concepts are straightforward to implement and can start producing profits almost immediately.

Item of Interest

The sky is always falling with new technology

Cracked nails it! With every technology innovation we’re all doomed. Again. and Again. Will they never learn!

The various industry spokespeople and representative never look for the opportunity, only the threat. Look how the industry’s first responses were so very, very wrong.

  1. VCR’s Will Kill Television!
  2. Phonographs and Player Pianos Will Kill Music!
  3. Pirated BASIC Will Kill Software Development!
  4. The Cassette Will Kill Music! Again!
  5. The Printing Press Will Kill Literature!

I am reminded that Jack Valenti who famously told a congressional panel in 1982:

“I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone.”

And then the Video Cassette (and later the DVD) saved the film industry and now generates the majority of the profits.

NEVER believe an industry insider’s take on new technology. They will always be wrong. Remember that MPAA and RIAA! Your own history proves you’re probably wrong about every thing you’re arguing now.

Item of Interest

Branded Content: Why you should care.

Branded Content: Why you should care I believe branded content is more the future of advertising than ads. When advertising becomes content, if I’m interested in the content, I’m probably also interested in what the brand is offering.

I only hate (with a passion) irrelevant advertising that interrupts the program I’m watching. Relevant advertising that’s integrated with the program, in a style and format matching the entertainment content, I don’t have anywhere near the problem with “advertsing”.

The problem is, 99% of the advertising I’m exposed to is completely irrelevant for me nearly all the time. And that’s a problem that branded content usually solves.

Much web content has become reliant on brand partnerships and sponsorship deals — making it one of the easiest ways to survive in the web series world.

Item of Interest

Darpa looking for “anomalous behavior”

Darpa looking for “anomalous behavior” Once you get computers “inferring” all sorts of editing can be done automatically.

Inferred metadata: metadata that can reasonably inferred from actual data. For example photos with a similar time stamp are grouped in iPhoto (and other apps) as an “Event”: inferred from the time stamps being grouped together.

Check our my “The Mundane and Magic Future of Metadata” Article in Supermag Number 4 for more about the different types of metadata (I think there’s a sixth type of metadata” links back to my earlier articles. Inferred is Number 4.)

Item of Interest

Good article on self promotion

Good article on self promotion -How to have good relationships as a self publisher. Networking gets us work! Work at it constantly.

So, after that quick brain dump, let me recap:

  • Relationships are everything.
  • We publish primarily in text without the nuance of critical non-verbal communication.
  • Text has non-verbal elements like style and emoticons, but we can only control the latter.
  • Context is also non-verbal communication. Context is karma: Character and professional reputation.

Written from a British perspective but with an American context in mind. Good advice for anyone who needs to network, and that’s everyone.

Item of Interest

Cringely talks on the future of Television

Cringely talks on the future of Television First I heard of it, but Veetle looks interesting.

I disagree with Robert Cringely as much as I agree, but I always read his recent postings because they make me think. And that’s a good thing for me.

What makes this one interesting is that he exposed me to Veetle for the first time. Veetle is an attempt to bridge the openness of the net, the on-demand future of media consumption, with a protection model that doesn’t get in the way.  I could be interested in that!

Veetle, if you haven’t heard of it, is a Palo Alto-based startup that isn’t nominated for this summer’s Startup Tour.  Veetle appears from my vantage point to be a peer-to-peer video distribution system that most closely parallels the current cable TV model except applied to the Internet.  Veetle video channels can be viewed in a browser (32-bit plug-in required) and present — just like CNN — a continuous stream of programming that can’t be interrupted, paused, or changed and can’t be very easily recorded, either.

In fact a Veetle channel very well could be CNN, because almost anyone can become a Veetle broadcaster by just grabbing a video feed from their DVD player or cable box and throwing it up on the web in glorious H.264.  Veetle is an adolescent cesspool of intellectual property confusion but that’s part of what makes it so much fun.

Item of Interest

HTML pack for Dreamweaver

HTML pack for Dreamweaver Adobe is moving quickly demoing HTML 5 support in Dreamweaver at Google I/O Conference.

It’s in Adobe labs ready for experimenting now.

Demonstrated on stage:

First, Kevin [Lynch] is showing the HTML5 pack for Dreamweaver. It augments Dreamweaver with code hinting, an updated WebKit for the live view, the fun multiscreen demo that Adobe has been sharing for awhile, and starter layouts for HTML5.

Then we see Kevin use a new prototype tool that allows him to create a rich ad (of course! 🙂 using CSS3 transforms and animations. This is a design tool folks. Think timelines, layers, and more.

I think this is great news for Adobe and HTML5 regardless of what might happen with Flash (which is going to be with us for quite a while).

Not so wonderful in implication is the comment:

Once people figure out HTML5 ads are much harder to block than flash or simple images, it’s going to take off.

Darn. Flash advertising is easy to block and blocked, the web is a better place, generally.

Apple Pro Apps

Why Apple Insider couldn’t be more wrong!

Today Apple Insider got the echo chamber of the Internet buzzing, with their post Apple scaling Final Cut Studio apps to fit prosumers by Prince McLean. It’s a great headline and I can’t blame Prince McLean and Apple Insider for running with it: it’s bound to get them a whole bunch of links.

However, they couldn’t be more wrong. Factually they have the entire history of Pro Apps at Apple just plain wrong. That’s probably because Prince McLean isn’t exactly well known in the professional video communities and because that history is only known by those who where paying attention at the time. (And also, Apple have definitely encouraged the inaccurate version of the Pro Apps history mistakenly quoted at Apple Insider.)

More on that in a minute. Aside from the factual errors in the history, I think they have had some data from an insider that they’ve totally misinterpreted and the true interpretation is incredibly positive for Final Cut Pro.

Now for the standard disclaimer. I’m not a rumor monger. I gather data from a lot of different places; have watched the professional video software industry closely on a day-to-day basis; and am very good at interpreting and interpolating meaning from the data points. However, I do have a way-above-average history of accuracy in my predictions, something that cannot be said for Apple Insider (G5 Powebook anyone? Where’s my Final Cut Extreme Apple Insider?)

In the late 1990’s Macromedia were going head-on against Adobe: whatever Adobe could, they could do better. There was Freehand against Illustrator; Fireworks to ImageReady; Dreamweaver vs GoLive; and there was to be KeyGrip against Premiere. In fact Macromedia snagged the three core members of the development team for Premiere 1-4.2 and they started work on KeyGrip. KeyGrip had evolved to become Final Cut by NAB 98, where it was being shown in a small demo room in the basement. That was my first exposure and I still have the T shirt (which fits a much younger man).

Macromedia suddenly decided to stop fighting Adobe and jump on this new thing called the Internet. Good call. So Macromedia had no need for Final Cut and where in fact shopping it around before NAB 98. Media100, who were going to use KeyGrip on PCs with their Vincent Card but became frustrated with how far behind schedule it was they went on to develop Finish, passed on buying Final Cut, probably because of the history. 1998 was the year that Media100 launched a Windows app. Premiere had gone cross platform at 4.2 and Premiere 6 was developed for both platforms.

This was the year that it wasn’t looking all that good for Apple. NAB was PC all the way. Even Avid had endured the “we’re going only to PC” debacle/rumor/whatever.

Apple eventually purchased Final Cut about three weeks after NAB in reality to ensure that there would continue to be a Non Linear Editing application on the Mac. I also believe that someone figured that Apple’s FireWire (they developed it) port combined with the iLink on Sony’s DV cameras just released (in reality, also FireWire) combined with the new software could sell some Macs. That was a smart move. When I saw Final Cut in March 98, it was working with some Targa dual stream cards, which was not as robust as when Final Cut Pro was release at NAB 99. But Final Cut Pro had native FireWire/DV support: perfect with those new Blue and White G3 towers with native FireWire!

But Apple bought Final Cut Pro as a defensive (and marketing) move. I seriously doubt that there was a cohesive Professional Applications Strategy in 1999. Or 2000. But by NAB 2002 there had been some serious planning going on. By then (or shortly before) there was definitely a Pro Apps strategy in place. (If I recall correctly, largely attributable to Richard Kerris.)

I do know that the Final Cut Pro team were a whole lot more open then than they are now. It was a different time at Apple. I’m very confident, from conversations at that time, and when Apple went on the Pro Apps buying spree, that the strategy of a Pro Apps group came well after the Final Cut Pro purchase. When Apple saw how successful Final Cut Pro had become, and how valuable its nascent involvement in the professional film and television world was for selling iMacs with iMovie in the heartland, a Pro Apps strategy evolved.

And Apple went on a buying spree:

  • eMagic (Logic, Logic Pro, Garageband and Soundtrack Pro have evolved from that purchase)
  • Prismo Graphics for “LiveType” (a Cocoa version of India Pro)
  • Nothing Real (Shake) and Silicon Grail
  • Astarte (DVD Studio Pro 1-1.5)
  • Spruce (DVD Studio Pro 2 onward)
  • The Motion team who had previously created combustion and it’s ancestors (well, they had just been let go from discreet and Apple employed the whole team so technically Motion was developed by Apple employees)

and so on.

Apple have poured a lot of money into the Pro Apps and in turn it’s made them a lot of profit on the software division. “Highly Profitable” according to one very reliable source.

So, to the substance of the Apple Insider rumor: is Apple turning Final Cut Pro into Final Cut Prosumer? Let’s consider some data points.

  1. Apple does not like to be second best in anything. Consider DVD Studio Pro. DVDirector, the product they purchased Astarte for, was released by Apple as DVD Studio Pro 1 – effectively DVDirector 2.0.  There was a 1.5 release but DVD Studio Pro was not getting the professional respect that Apple hoped for. (Was that polite enough?) So they purchased Spruce. Although it was PC only and immediately killed, Apple bought the best available knowledgeable engineering team and abstract layer code. This became DVD Studio Pro 2 with the Pro Apps kit interface. (The first app with that Interface Framework.) They genuinely want Final Cut Pro – or its successor – to be a truly great application for their target market, which may not be senior editors on studio pictures!
  2. Apple derives a lot of benefit from the Pro Apps.
    1. The division is highly profitable. (500,000 users upgrade a version of the Studio and it’s $150 million). Not iPod territory but respectably profitable. (And they do help sell some of those expensive MacPros.)
    2. The technology is now interwoven throughout their iApps.
    3. There is a huge marketing advantage from the Pro Apps, such that it’d be worth keeping them if they were only just profitable. Every time a documentary is nominated for an Academy Award edited on Final Cut Pro, Apple sell 10,000 copies of Final Cut Express and an iMac or MacBook Pro in the heartland – it’s aspirational but affordable.
  3. Apple are pushing all their applications to 64bit and to Cocoa. Final Cut Pro has a harder-than-most development path because of the history (cross platform app to OS 9 to OS X to Intel and now to Cocoa and 64bit).
  4. Apple need to come out with a very strong version at the next release. Avid have been very strong with their recent Media Composer releases, particularly with workflow features that editors appreciate (a better open timeline than Final Cut Pro, for example). Adobe have just released a version of Premiere Pro that leverages Apple’s hardware for performance far better than Final Cut Pro does. Apple know this.
  5. Apple has the financial resources to wait until something is right, rather than release a half-finished version.
  6. Apple does not leak. OK, I think I’ve substantiated that Randy Ubillos is back in a senior designer position (or more) but really, Apple employees don’t leak. They’re my worst source of information that isn’t necessarily public knowledge. Randy, for those who don’t know, was one of those original three that went from Adobe to Macromedia: he was the original designer of Premiere 1-4.2. He is also the lead designer for Aperture and iMovie 09 was almost a personal project before Apple picked it up.
    1. So Apple Insider have not had a review copy of any development version of Final Cut Pro (next); it’s almost certain they don’t have any substantial information at all, just a snippet. Perhaps a quick view of an interface or mockup? There isn’t anything substantial in the article.

Ok, given all that, here’s why I think Apple Insider are about as wrong as anyone could be. They got something: a tip or a sneak peak or something. The most likely thing they saw that could lead to this type of misinterpretation is they saw, or more likely someone visiting Apple saw, a screen supposedly from the next version of Final Cut Pro and it looked, superficially like iMovie. Combine that with Randy Ubillos’ move back to Final Cut Pro and the leap is obvious, but wrong.

Apple appear to be revising the Pro Apps kit from it’s original incarnation in 2002-03. We’ve seen hints of more HUD (the white-on-black interface for Motion’s floating palettes) like interface design in places, and that look is very similar to iMovie 09. They’re looking for designers now. It’s likely that whatever the current interface design is, it’s not there yet or they wouldn’t be hiring designers now!

Let me go out on a limb and say that it much more likely means that Final Cut Pro is getting a very thorough rewrite. Not just a 64 bit/Cocoa rewrite (and hopefully take advantage of modern OS X features) but a complete rethink.

When iMovie 09 was demonstrated at LAFCPUG, there were a lot of people who wanted iMovie features incorporated into Final Cut Pro. Not dumb Final Cut Pro down to iMovie but take the best features of iMovie and incorporate them. While you’re at it, if nothing’s sacred in the current design, let’s take the best from Avid (metadata management – the groundwork has been happening since FCP 5.1.2 and the evidence is in the XML); the importance of performance from Adobe (strap in Grand Central Dispatch and OpenCL and make a showcase for Apple’s technologies); the best of iMovie.

This actually makes me much more hopeful and positive for the next version of Final Cut Pro. It suggests that Apple are serious about rewriting and not just changing out the minimum possible. And if it looks a little like iMovie 09, that wouldn’t be all bad. (But could you borrow customizable interfaces from Adobe, please?)

That’s why I believe Apple Insider misinterpreted the snippet of information and that the opposite is true: Apple are serious about making the next release the killer release everyone is hoping for.

Above all else, I reserve the right to be wrong. It’s a guess: an intelligent guess, yes.

Item of Interest

Selectable output control *isn’t* going to lead to earlier online releases.

Selectedable output control *isn’t* going to lead to earlier online releases, just break your tV

MPAA stupidity (well, outright lies really) about why they needed Selectable Output Control (that turns off digital outputs when a studio or broadcaster feels like turning your outputs off):

Oh, and my favorite part is how the MPAA is playing this. Acting MPAA boss Bob Pisano put out thefollowing statement when the FCC’s announcement was made on May 17th:

“This action is an important victory for consumers who will now have far greater access to see recent high definition movies in their homes. And it is a major step forward in the development of new business models by the motion picture industry to respond to growing consumer demand…” (emphasis added)

So, gee, what does Pisano have to say, just a few days later when it turns out that none of that is true?

When asked about the studios’ plans late last week, Bob Pisano, the president of the Motion Picture Association of America, said, “I can’t tell you that, because I don’t know.” To comply with antitrust law, he added, “we stay out of business-model decisions.”


Uh huh. So, let me get this straight. He argued — successfully — to the FCC, that granting this waiver to break people’s TVs and DVRs would certainly create new business models and allow much more content to be available earlier. But, when it comes to actually supporting that, he claims that the MPAA “stays out” of business model decisions? So, how could he possibly have promised such “new business models” to the FCC in the first place?


If it comes from the RIAA or the MPAA it’s almost certainly not true or based on facts.