Item of Interest

Computer algorithm understands…

Computer algorithm understands sarcasm Better understanding than most people!

Item of Interest

About half of Adobe’s Flash Showcase is iDevice ready

About half of Adobe’s Flash Showcase has iPod/iPad/iPhone ready content

In preparation for Google I/O and the partnership between Google and Adobe, both companies are planning to show off just how well flash runs on mobile devices. This is of course a rebuttal of Steve Jobs’ Thoughts on Flash. Adobe has now released a site that will display a list of these sites, much like Apple did with the iPad. But here’s the kicker: A large majority of the sites on their list already display HTML5 content in place of Flash, and some of them even have custom apps available for iPhone/iPad. Let’s look at the breakdown:

It’s mostly the Flash gaming sites that, not surprising, won’t work on the iDevices.

Item of Interest

Oprah Winfrey Network “Documentary Club”

Oprah Winfrey Network “Documentary Club” Will Oprah do for docs what she did with Book Club and how do I get doc in?

  • Inspired by Oprah’s celebrated Book Club, OWN’s documentary film club will include a primetime airing on the channel, an online community experience on, and potentially, a nationwide theatrical screening event.
  • The application of the Book Club model to a dedicated documentary slot could be a game-changer for the niche:
    • Time magazine reported that book publishers credit an Oprah endorsement with increasing print runs by up to 500%.
    • According to a 2005 Business Week report on the book-buying ‘frenzies’ that Ms Winfrey inspired: “Publishers estimate that her power to sell a book is anywhere from 20 to 100 times that of any other media personality.”

Item of Interest

Pro Apps Interface update?

Pro Apps Interface update? Job ads might suggest Not surprising considering what is to be done.

It makes sense that they’re hiring interface designers. Final Cut Pro (next) needs to transfer from using the current interface to the Pro Apps Kit interface framework that is used by Motion, Soundtrack Pro, Compressor and Cinema Tools. (And for the late LiveType.) Even when remaking similar interfaces (as most of FCP (next) will be) there’s still a lot of work to be done, and presumably they’ll add in one or two new features!

I’m personally hoping that the Bin/Browser structure gets updated so we can see all the Source Metadata from cameras without having to use miniME. Plus I’d expect it’ll be 64 bit (as most Apple software already is) and take advantage of Grand Central Dispatch and OpenCL to give Mercury-Engine-like performance.

Item of Interest

Iron Sky Releases First Footage to raise donations

Iron Sky Releases First Footage to Get Donations Followup movie from Star Wrek producers

Iron Sky is the next production from the producers of the amazing Star Wrek, which was created in a small 11×12′ room despite being set in the vast reaches of space. 3D CG and smart use of green screen and compositing created a big screen feel for Star Wrek.

Production of Iron Sky, the storyline for which involves Nazis that escaped to the moon at the end of World War II ready to come back to Earth, involves more than 1,500 volunteers and a big donor base, which Energia is tapping into to cover half of the movie’s production costs. The movie’s total budget is €6.5 million (about $8.2 million), the biggest budget ever for a Finish movie, according to Iron Sky director Timo Vuorensola. Iron Sky will be professionally distributed in theaters, and the soundtrack is from the Slovenian Industrial group Laibach.

Interesting Technology Item of Interest

XDCAM continues to take over acquisition

XDCAM continues to take over low cost acquisition JVC, Sony and Canon have XDCAM cameras, and now a standalone recorder.

The new FS-T1001 Camera Mount XDCAM EX recorder records to SxS in the same format as XDCAM EX devices for maximum compatibility. I guess it could also work with the SD card adapters for SxS that are available.

XDCAM EX is now the most popular (of new cameras) recording format: JVC’s GY-HM100 works with the 35 Mbit version; Canon’s XF305 and XF300 cameras works with an MPEG-2 codec identical to the 50 Mbit/sec version of XDCAM and of course Sony has the EX-1 and EX-3 recording XDCAM EX format.

Affordable acquisition formats have settled into two camps: the XDCAM EX world of 35 or 50 Mbit/sec long GOP MPEG-2 or the AVCCAM/AVCHD world of “long GOP” H.264 MPEG-4. H.264 is approximately 4x more efficient than MPEG-2 for the same bitrate, but H.264 takes more processing power to decode.

Item of Interest

YouTube double the daily viewers of TV and Cable

YouTube double the daily viewers of Broadcast/Cable Of course, programming is shorter.

Serving up 2 Billion videos a day on its 5th birthday YouTube now has nearly double the number of viewers than the combined broadcast and cable television market. Of course,YouTube videos are much shorter so the total viewing time is still very much with traditional TV.

At least Television is still mostly profitable. YouTube still hasn’t reached that milestone, although is expected to this year:

In January, Google CEO Eric Schmidt was quoted in the Financial Times saying he expects YouTube to make it into the black at some point in 2010.

Item of Interest

Time Warner cable not going along with IP address subpoena

Time Warner cable not going along with US Copyright Group (trolling) for IP addresses.

US Copyright Group are an organization that files massive John Doe subpoenas for IP addresses of alleged file sharers. Even given that an IP address does not identify any given user and this approach has led to massive embarrassment when done by the RIAA, the reason Time Warner Cable are not going along is because of the massive burden being placed upon the cable company, along with dubious legality of the subpoenas.

The ISP has now asked the court to quash the subpoena for three reasons.

First, because US Copyright Group lawyer Tom Dunlap “has now simply reneged” on an agreement that he worked out with TWC to manage the flow of subpoenas.

Second, the entire approach to these lawsuits may be invalid. Filing lawsuits can be expensive; Most federal courts charge a $350 filing fee per case, along with a new set of paperwork. Each case also creates another docket to keep track of, making thousands of cases an administrative nightmare.

Instead of going this route, plaintiffs have gone the RIAA route, simply filing mass lawsuits against groups of “John Does,” in some cases by the thousands. But, says TWC, channeling its inner Ray Beckerman, “It is not evident from the complaint in this case that there is anything common to the 2,094 defendants that would justify joining them in a single litigation… Courts facing these identical circumstances have repeatedly held that a plaintiff may not join in a single action multiple defendants who have allegedly downloaded or facilitated the download of copyrighted material at different times and locations.

Item of Interest

Adobe’s Big Peer-to-Peer Plans

Adobe’s Big Peer-to-Peer Plans P2P Offload distribution costs to users’ bandwidth.

Another opportunity for Adobe to profit from those using Flash for distribution, reducing costs for many content owners.

Item of Interest

Cable TV was created to sell more TVs

Cable TV was created to sell more TVs. Talk about unintendec consequences. Guest blogger Craig Engle Senior VP from SyFy on Boing Boing has written a really interesting series all week on why shows get produced and others don’t; why shows get cancelled and other insights into the mind of a network executive.

Walson connected the mountain antennae to his appliance store via a cable and modified signal boosters. In June of 1948, John Walson connected the mountain antennae to both his store and several of his customers’ homes that were located along the cable path, starting the nation’s first CATV system.